Notice is hereby given that the Budget Committee of the Town of Hinsdale will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at the Hinsdale Town Hall Auditorium, 11 Main Street, Hinsdale, NH 03451 to accept testimony regarding the following matters:
6:00 p.m. To accept testimony in regard to the proposed 2025-2026 School District budget and warrant articles and to accept testimony in regard to the proposed 2025-2026 Town Budget and warrant articles.
The Town Budget and warrant articles will be heard directly after the School District budget and warrant articles.
A copy of the proposed budgets and warrant articles may be obtained at the Hinsdale Selectmen’s Office during regular business hours.
A second public hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at the same place and time. The second public hearing is scheduled for the purpose of inclement weather or to act on any changes made the prior hearing. The second public hearing is subject to cancellation if not needed.
Interested citizens are invited to attend and comment on the above. Please contact the Selectmen’s Office at (603)336-5710 or Relay NH at 1-800-735-2964 (TDD), at least five days in advance if you have a disability and/or need assistance to either attend or participate in the hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the Budget Committee, P.O. Box 13, 11 Main Street, Hinsdale, NH 03451.
2025-2026 Proposed Town Budget
2025-2026 Proposed School Budget
2025 School Warrant