Hinsdale Elementary Information for Re-Opening School
This information is in addition to the Hinsdale Fall 2020 School re-opening plan summary previously posted on the school district web page www.hnhsd.org.
Students Attending School:
Arrival Changes (Bus)
- Students riding the bus will wear masks and seat in the window seat alone
- Bus drop off will now be in the back parking lot
- Temperatures will be taken before getting off the bus
- Entry points
- K/1 Door by Music Room in back
- 2/3 Cafeteria Entrance
- 4/5 Door by Music Room in back
- Arrival Changes (Car Riders)
- Car riders in grade PreK to 1 will be dropped off on School Street near the playground
- Temperature checks will be done before leaving the car
- Enter through the preschool door
- Car riders in grade 2 to 5 will be dropped off on the other side of the office and follow the same procedure
- Arrival Changes (Walkers)
- Walkers will approach a staff member for temperature check
- If okay they will be given a sticker and enter the building by the entrance they are assigned to
- Dismissal Changes (Car Riders/Walkers)
- Car riders will be picked up on School Street with PreK to 1st by the playground
- 2nd to 5th on the other side of the office
- Caregivers should wait by their cars and have a mask on
- Dismissal Changes (Bus)
- Masks will be required
- Sit in assigned seat near the windows one per seat
- Those students getting off last will board the bus first
- During the school day
- Masks are required for all students
- Maintain physical distancing in class and all settings
- Hand washing will be done frequently
- Breakfast, Snack and Lunch will be in class
- Cleaning
- Flat surfaces will be cleaned three times per day
- Common areas will be cleaned midday by the custodian
- Deep cleaning will be done daily in PE, Art and Music class
- Deep cleaning will be done twice per week in all classrooms
Remote Expectations for All HES Students with Internet and a computer
- Most instruction will be occur independently of in-classroom instruction (not live streaming).
- Participate in morning meeting as often as possible via Teams
- When participating via live stream
- During class or chat time remain on camera
- Wear appropriate clothing
- Turn off the TV and other electronic distractions
- Brothers and sisters should give you privacy
- Sit in a chair at a table or desk
- View any videos assigned
- Complete work in a timely manner and return it to the teacher by dropping it in the drop box at the school, through the Teams platform, or by taking a picture of it and emailing it
- Participate in a chat or email daily to record attendance
- Contact the school hesattendance@hnhsd.org or 336-5332 if you are sick and unable to participate remotely that day
Remote Expectations for All HES Students with no Internet and no computer
- The school will purchase a written curriculum and materials for you to follow with your student
- Return all completed work to the drop-box
Remote Expectations for All HES Students with only a computer
- The school will provide you with assignments, videos, and other resources on a flash drive
- Return the work on the due date assigned on the flash drive and put it in the drop box or exchange it in the main office
- Assigned work will be based on the essential learning for each grade level and graded by teachers based on their criteria
For all remote students
If you don’t contact us for an absence we will do the following
- Office staff will attempt to contact you on the first absence
- Administration will attempt to contact you on the second day
- The School Resource Officer will contact you after the third day
- For five (5) consecutive absences a DCYF call will be made
- There will be bi-weekly check ins with our Director of Personalized Learning (Mrs. Karen Thompson)
- There will be a weekly check in with the teacher either virtually or by phone