Superintendent’s Report – October 2016
We continue to make progress towards achieving our Board goals.
- Goal: Develop a strategic plan, based on data, to address the long range needs of the district.
The Board and administration are scheduled to meet on October 11th to help develop the Board’s district goals for the current school year. Each administrator plans to develop yearly goals with the help of his/her supervisor as soon as the Board has established Board goals for 2016/2017.
- Goal: Develop and support initiatives to recruit and retain professional, highly qualified staff who are innovative, dynamic and dedicated to the success of all students.
We are working to support our new staff and to create a more supportive and more collegial environment for all our staff. We are also strengthening our Hinsdale professional learning community. One typical attribute of a strong professional learning community is better retention of staff.
- Goal: Provide a continuum of instruction at all ability levels, preschool through grade 12.
In September, Hinsdale teachers worked in groups to analyze the Hinsdale student results on the most recent New England Common Assessment Program science test. We are not satisfied with the results and are in the process of creating an action plan that when implemented will lead to improved results. One expected component of the action plan will include an effort to integrate the science standards into other content areas.
- Goal: Develop a budget and a technology plan that supports all aspects of the district.
Our technology committee has completed a five-year plan which was presented to our administrative team by our Director of Technology and Assessment, Deborah Trabucco on October 5th. After a lengthy discussion the plan was unanimously adopted by our administrative team. The administrative team looks forward to discussing the details of the five-year plan with the Board at our October 11th meeting.
- Goal: Promote an atmosphere that supports a forward-thinking, professional learning community through ongoing, open communication and a culture of openness between the board, administration, staff, students, parents and the community.
I participated in the Hinsdale School Board public forum on October 5th. The major topic discussed at the forum was the proposal for a small addition to the Hinsdale Elementary School. This proposal was developed by the HES Building Improvement Committee. As a member of the Building Improvement Committee I helped address questions related to the Building Improvement Committee proposal. The HES Building Improvement Committee members include the following: Sean Leary, Jim O’Malley, James MacDonell, Joe Boggio, Steve Fecto, Deb Carrier, Shawn Lee, Courtney Hodge, April Anderson, Kaylah Hemlow, Tom O’Connor, and myself.
To get to know the community better, and to have the community get to know me better, I welcomed parents at the first Hinsdale Elementary School PTA meeting on September 21st and I welcomed parents to the first Hinsdale Middle/High School PTSA meeting on September 13th. I also attended a homecoming soccer game on Saturday, September 17th where I witnessed a great soccer match and a bald eagle flying directly over the field.
I participated in the inaugural meeting of the Hinsdale Education Foundation on Saturday, September 24th. We elected officers, developed a mission statement, and established an action plan that when completed will include registration with both the IRS and the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office. In addition, our newly elected treasurer plans to open a Hinsdale Education Foundation bank account with the Brattleboro Savings and Loan. The officers of the Hinsdale Education Foundation are as follows: President, Jim O’Malley; Secretary, Steve Bonnette; Treasurer, Frank Moriarty.
I led the first Hinsdale Parent/Child 4th and 5th grade book club on Monday, October 3rd. The students and parents enjoyed the first book, “Freedom Rider.” The book is based on a true story about a young girl in the early 1800’s who runs away from a New Hampshire orphanage and disguises herself as a man to become a stagecoach driver. She ends up driving a stage in California during the gold rush and becomes the first woman in the US to vote in a presidential election. Our book club plans to meet on the first Monday of each month.