Dear Hinsdale Parents/Guardians,
The Hinsdale school district is at the beginning stages of developing a Portrait of a Learner. This is intended to capture the vision for the students in our community, emphasizing the development of life-long learning skills and nurturing well rounded, productive members of society.
The ultimate goal of the Portrait of a Learner is to instill confidence in our students, so they are prepared to pursue greater endeavors beyond their school years. Moreover, this effort is about community cohesion. We believe that by involving everyone in the community in this process, we can create collective ownership and pride in the achievements of our students. It is a step towards bringing us all together, united in the goal of nurturing a generation that is not only academically proficient, but also socially and emotionally equipped to contribute positively to society.
We are excited about the potential of the Portrait of a Learner and are committed to working collaboratively with all stakeholders in our community to make this vision a reality.
Please take a few moments to complete this brief survey by Sunday, March 3rd:
Your feedback is crucial in this effort. We thank you for your time and support!